Monday, April 30, 2012

Andorra increïble.

Not even a year ago, I´ve moved to live in Andorra. I must say that so far this has been the biggest change I have ever done in my life – and I don´t regret it at all.
The reason for coming here was and still is -  my Churry! :)  How we met and how our love story has begun, I will tell you some other time.  Today I wanted to tell you more about the country I live in.

Andorra is small country, situated in the middle of mountains – in the middle of Pyrenees  massif. If you look for Andorra on Google Earth or any other map, you will realize that it is situated in between two bigger European countries – Spain and France, which trough history and time have influenced and shaped a lot now-a-days history and culture of Andorran people.

As far as I know, Andorra was small piece of land which nobody wanted to conquer, neither French nor Spanish people, so with time people who have lived here since who knows when,  have decided to create their own country and nationality – and they did it well.

One of the most interesting facts which dates since 11th century is that Andorran constitution has been regulated by Charles the Great (Charlemagne) and bishop from La Seu d´Urgell. Back in time,  being as small as Andorra and with time pretty desirable piece of land - Andorra needed support and protection from other surrounding countries, so somewhere in the middle of 11th century bishop from La Seu and Lord of Caboet made a pack to protect territory of Andorran valleys.  In order to protect its own territory daughter of Arnau of Caboet married   the Viscount of Castellbò and both became Viscounts of Castellbò and Cerdanya. Some years later,  their daughter - Ermessenda got married to  Roger Bernat II, the French Count of Foix. They became Roger Bernat II and Ermessenda I, Counts of Foix, Viscounts of Castellbò and Cerdanya, and also co-founders of Andorra, together with the Bishop of Urgell.

As the centuries were passing by and the kingdoms were changing, Andorra has always been in between these two very powerful countries influenced by their economical and political changes – and even though isolated and not present as one of the main actors on big scene of European history,  Andorra has created remarkable historical and cultural background.
In 1934 Boris Skossyreff, an adventurer tried to declare himself “Boris I, King of Andorra”.  Fortunately, this incident was stopped by Spanish authorities.
Since 1993 Andorra has been a member of United Nations and the Council of Europe.

Now-a-days we are talking about modern country, with developed tourism (especially ski resorts), banking systems, cosmetic and tobacco industry, enormous and beautiful nature resorts, wonderful mix of Catalan-French cuisine and many other things which I will be discovering for you, with time. :)

So, if  having any doubts where to spend your next holidays, far away from everyday things in the middle of nature, surrounded by all modern facilities – I think that Andorra is just the place for you. :)

Till next time, have a very nice day.  :)


Casa de la Vall - by T.

Incles Valley, Canillo

Park Central, Andorra la Vella.

St. Miquel d´Engolasters

Granvalira, Grau Roig


Friday, April 27, 2012

Breaking the Ice!

Good morning and welcome!

My name is Tijana, but majority of my friends call me "Ticko". It doesn´t have any meaning, but it´s cute and I like it. 

Long time ago I blogged, and somewhere, somehow... that blogging bug was always present, following me. It took me a lot of time to sit down again and open small part of a virtual space, create it just for me and start writting. It took me 5 years - more or less. 

In those 5 years my life has changed a lot... and so have I. 
The "only" difference between writtings back in time and now-a-days are my present location, language and people I am surrounded by everyday. 
My life has moved from one Rocky Mountain to another one. I must add that it takes time to get used to this one Rocky, but I am doing it well. At least, I think so! :)

Well, like I wrote somewhere in the blog description - I will try to make it simple and ordinary. I strongly believe that there are thousands of blogs like mine, so I am not gonna give you candies for to make you stay.. but if you find interesing what I have to say and you decide to follow my "brljoke" (an expression from my country, literary translated "messy writtings") - please, do so and be my guest! :)
